The primary objective of Friends of Tibet [Research] is to conduct and publish research on the unique heritage, legacy and history of Tibet, before and after Chinese occupation. Our research also focuses on Tibet's traditions, ecology, art, literature, medical, spiritual and other contributions to the World as a whole. Friends of Tibet [Research] co-ordinates, executes and produces varied researches with the collaboration of scholars, academicians, scientists, sociologists and holistic health educationists.
Cancer: A Tibetan Perspective
Friends of Tibet Research (2022)
THERE may be no place in the world that cancer has not touched. It is not a new disease of modern civilisation. The cases of cancer and its dreadful results have been reported since the Greek civilization. Even though the first case of cancer was recorded in Egypt in 1600 BC, it was Hippocrates (410-360 BC), the father of medicine, who identified and gave the name 'cancer' to the illness that blights humanity to this day. When its cells invade the human body, they break down the body's machinery processes, spreading through tissues, blood, and lymphatic systems. It is no wonder that the effects of this cellular invasion seep into the lives of families, caregivers, and communities as a whole. While the fact of cancer may be a cross-cultural reality, the way that healers respond to it varies widely. It is in this context that Sowa Rigpa or Tibetan Medicine has emerged as an important global resource; looking back upon ancient textual sources, its healers are able to herald a future where cancer may no longer be an encumbering medical enigma.
This paper in Q&A format is jointly prepared by Dr Dorjee Rapten Neshar and Dr Tenzing Choedup from the Men-Tsee-Khang, Tibetan Medical and Astrological Institute of HH the Dalai Lama, and Victoria Sheldon and Suresh Babu from the Friends of Tibet Foundation.
Research Team: Dr Dorjee Rapten Neshar, Dr Tenzing Choedup, Victoria Sheldon, Suresh Babu
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Diabetes Mellitus: A Tibetan Perspective
Friends of Tibet Foundation (2019)
DIABETES has been recognised as a medical problem for thousands of years. A disease often considered as prevalent only among overweight, affluent adult individuals is now making inroads even into poorer communities and cultures across the globe. While many people and medical experts believe it is difficult if not impossible to reverse Diabetes. According to Sowa Rigpa (Science of Healing) or the Tibetan Medical System, there is no disease which is considered incurable. The system does not rely on the numbers as per the blood reports but rather on the different energies in the body and their aggravation, to administer medicines accordingly.
This paper prepared by Dr Dorjee Rapten Neshar, Chief Medical Officer, Men-Tsee-Khang, Tibetan Medical and Astrological Institute of HH the Dalai Lama lists out details such as recommended diet, categories of people who are prone to Diabetes, treatment options etc., as per the traditional Tibetan Medical System.
This short Q&A format paper on a disease often referred to as a 'silent killer', aims to spread more information and awareness about alternative solutions to make diabetes not just manageable, but rather curable over a period of time.
Research Team: Dr Dorjee Rapten Neshar, Victoria Sheldon, Suresh Babu
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Vision Wellbeing
Friends of Tibet Foundation (2020)
IN Sowa Rigpa, popularly known as Tibetan Medicine, we can find solutions to issues with the eternal Wellbeing principles and practices. Evolved over many centuries in Tibet, this integrated system of holistic health and holistic medicine, is a synthesis of traditional Tibetan medicine, Ayurveda, Chinese, Greek and Unani medicine. 'Vision Wellbeing' is based on the scientific and spiritual integrative principles of mind, body and spirit which are immensely interdependent and complementary in every respect. Buddha had already enlightened us 2500 years ago about the root cause(s) of the grave problems of humanity as a whole. He disclosed the scientifically proven, globally accepted truth that everything in this universe is perpetually on the move due to umpteen factors, including cosmic energy flows. So, impermanence happens to be the permanent internal and external phenomenon of every being in this Universe. This impermanence creates imbalances and is subjecting all living beings to variations or distortions in their health status — especially in humans — and causes sufferings from uneasiness, ailments, diseases etc. Vision Wellbeing' aims at holistically preventing and setting right these imbalances at all levels by helping people to acquire the relevant knowledge based on holistic health principles for effecting required changes in living styles, regulating food habits, suggesting energising physical and spiritual practices and if found necessary (after scientific diagnosis) provide corrective, scientific herbal medicines and other holistic treatments to enable people to attain Wellbeing throughout their lives. ◼
Research: Suresh Babu
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Indian Cartoonists on Tibet
Friends of Tibet (2005)
ORIGINALLY developed as a travelling exhibition for Friends of Tibet, this selection of cartoons on the Tibet issue (1950-2005) and the tumultuous Indo-Chinese relations by renowned Indian cartoonists is narrated by French Tibetologist and the author of 'The Fate of Tibet' — Claude Arpi. 'Indian Cartoonists on Tibet' depicts 55 tumultuous years of the history of the Buddhist leader's lost state — Tibet, the Roof of the World sandwiched between two Asian giants — India and China. Tibet had the reputation of being the last Shangrila on earth. This is a story of the struggle of a man for peace and freedom; a man, who believes that "throughout the history of mankind, solutions achieved through the use of force have inevitably been transitory." This man, that Tibetans venerate as a God, says: "A solution can be genuine and lasting only if and when it is to the full satisfaction of the people concerned." Unfortunately, the regime in Beijing has not yet been able to share his belief, though the rest of the world has greatly profited from the Tibetan leader's wisdom. This collection has the greatest names in Indian cartoons painting their perceptions of His Holiness Dalai Lama and the often difficult relations between India and China. More than a TV program or a newspaper report, they help us to perceive the Great History behind the smaller one. May all beings be happy and enjoy these cartoons and their narration. ◼
Research: Claude Arpi
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Why Tibet?
Friends of Tibet (2020)
TIBET, the inspiration behind the ideal of 'Shangri-la' or Paradise on Earth, has a rich and vividly unique culture of its own. Ruled by the Dalai Lamas since 1642, and for centuries before that by a succession of religious kings and other priestly rulers, it is one of the few nations in the world with such a long history of continued independence.
Tibet was a peaceful, independent state when, in 1949, it was invaded by China in an act of unprovoked aggression. In 1959 His Holiness the Dalai Lama was forced to seek political asylum in India, along with his entire government and tens of thousands of ordinary Tibetans. Since then Tibet has never been the same and the lives of all Tibetans has changed entirely. Faced with brutal oppression and treated as second-class citizens in their own country, many Tibetans still risk their lives to join their leader in exile. Here they are confronted with another problem — the sad predicament of refugees everywhere. To say the least, the fate of the vast majority who remain in Tibet is far worse.
This document from Friends of Tibet [Research] aims to provide an insight into the Tibetan issue and situation through the eyes of individuals directly involved. An additional unique aspect of the document is the inclusion of a political map of the world as it would look like with Tibet as an independent country, rather than as a part of China, as claimed by the Chinese regime.
Research: Amitava Sanyal, Lhasang Tsering, CA Kallianpur
Holistic Understanding and Management of COVID-19
Copyright © 2020 Dr Dorjee Rapten Neshar
DURING the growing COVID-19 pandemic crisis which has forced more than half of the world's population to stay under lockdown, killing thousands of people every day, and infecting thousands more with no effective remedies and solutions in sight, Dr Dorjee Rapten Nashar, Chief Medical Officer of Men-Tsee-Khang, Tibetan Medical and Astrological Institute of HH the Dalai Lama felt compelled into conducting an in-depth study on the topic.
In the study, Dr Dorjee Rapten has done a comparison from a scientific mainstream perspective with the tried-and-tested centuries-old Sowa Rigpa system of healing (commonly known as Tibetan Medicine). Through this short research study, the Tibetan healing practitioner hopes to share and bring to the attention of Governments, Scientific and Medical Institutions, and intellectuals the relevance of the Sowa Rigpa and its effective practices against modern-day diseases — including epidemics and highly contagious diseases. He focuses on describing the nature and cause of various epidemic diseases, and the Sowa Rigpa's in-depth experiential knowledge on managing and controlling the pandemic before it becomes too costly.
This research paper titled "A Holistic Understanding and Management of COVID-19" describes in detail the origin, severity of symptoms, various stages of the symptoms, and Tibetan medical approach for healing and dealing with them effectively. ◼
Research: Dr Dorjee Rapten Neshar
The Chinese Betrayal, Early Warnings Unheeded
Copyright © 2020 Prof Sachidananda Mohanty
IT is often said that those who forget history are condemned to repeat it. The truth of this adage is seldom realised. With the brutal and savage killings of unarmed Indian soldiers by the death squads of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and brazen claims of the People's Republic of China over the entire Galwan valley of Ladakh and other vital territories that historically belonged to India, we seem to have come full circle from the debacle of 1962. Despite the passage in time, history seems to repeat itself. Could some of the earlier missing narratives help in our understanding as a new India is emerging?
Titled "The Chinese Betrayal, Early Warnings Unheeded: Lessons from Sardar Patel and Sri Aurobindo", this two-part essay by Prof Sachidananda Mohanty, former Vice-Chancellor of the Central University of Orissa explores and narrates historical happenings in the form of letters and comments from Sardar Vallabhai Patel and Sri Aurobindo, to extract lessons we should have learnt and taken action on at the time. Today as we keep wrestling with the question of Chinese intrusions into Indian territory, more than five decades down the line, their growing demands and claims for our lands, it is worth recalling the two forgotten prophetic chapters from India's history in 1950. ◼
Research: Prof Sachidananda Mohanty
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The primary objective of Friends of Tibet [Research] is to conduct and publish research on the unique heritage, legacy and history of Tibet, before and after Chinese occupation. Our research also focuses on Tibet's traditions, ecology, art, literature, medical, spiritual and other contributions to the World as a whole. Friends of Tibet [Research] co-ordinates, executes and produces varied researches with the collaboration of scholars, academicians, scientists, sociologists and holistic health educationists.
Digital Support: Design & People, India + Ibiblio Digital Library & Archive Project, University of North Carolina, USA